25. A. Sympathy - feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune
B. To feel Sympathy is to feel sorry for the misfortune of others C. Many advanced countries feel Sympathy towards 3rd world countries
24. A. Empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another
B. Empathy means to have sorrow or understanding towards other people C. Many advanced countries don't have the ability to feel Empathy towards those that are not as advanced as they.
23. A. Apathy - lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern
B. To have Apathy is to simply not care. C. Most people have great Apathy towards the concept of losing fresh drinking water.
22. A. Connotation - an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning
B. A Connotation is the literal, or dictionarial definition of the word. C. "You are a dog" means that you are a literal dog.
21. A. Denotation - the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests
B. A Denotation is the secondary meaning of the word C. "You are a dog" means you are a scoundrel, or other, not a literal dog.
20. A. Plate - Plate tectonics is the theory that Earth's outer shell is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle, the rocky inner layer above the core.
B. Plate Tectonics is the theory that Earth's crust is made up of numerous plates. C. Plates move and interact because of magma moving round in the mantle under Earth's surface.
19. A. Ring of Fire - The Ring of Fire is a major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where a large number of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur.
B. The Ring of Fire is located around the Pacific Ocean C. The Ring of Fire is a ring of volcanic activity caused by the Pacific Plate interacting with numerous other plates.
18. A. Pangea - Pangaea is a hypothetical supercontinent that included all current land masses, believed to have been in existence before the continents broke apart during the Triassic and Jurassic Periods.
B. Pangea is a hypothetical super continent where all of the current land masses were formed together. C. Pangea is a supercontinent that most scientists believe was real, Pangea meaning "Whole Earth" is a very fitting name.
17. A. Fault - In geology, a fault is a planar fracture or discontinuity in a volume of rock, across which there has been significant displacement as a result of rock mass movement.
B. Fault is a word used for many different meanings, but the meaning above is the faults in earths tectonic plates. C. Earth's crust is constantly being moved around, where different plates interact is called a fault line.
16. A. Isostatic rebound - Post-glacial rebound (sometimes called continental rebound) is the rise of land masses that were depressed by the huge weight of ice sheets during the last glacial period, through a process known as isostatic depression.
B. Isostatic Rebound is where Glaciers push the ground down and the ground starts to slowly rise. C. Isostatic rebounding is present in Ohio, as Glaciers have pushed the land down and over time the land has begun to push back up.
15. A. Heritage - property that is or may be inherited; an inheritance.
B. Most anything that a parent owns will be inherited by their children, but must first be written in the parents' will. C. Heritage is a 'birth right' in which the children of a family receives what the parents owned, and can only be considered inherited if given by the death of the parent.
14. A. Garnish - decorate or embellish (something, especially food).
B. The yearly family reunion was highly decorated, including the food. C. Food is usually only Garnished for special occasions or for monarchs (not anymore)
13. A. Fiasco - a thing that is a complete failure, especially in a ludicrous or humiliating way.
B. The High School Prom Night was a complete fiasco. C. A Fiasco is a failure so large that it is often humiliating.
12. A. Exasperate - irritate intensely; infuriate.
B. The man was exasperated when his lawn mower broke down only half way done with the yard. C. To exasperate is to be irritable or angry.
11. A. Embody - include or contain (something) as a constituent part
B. In any essay, the citation of evidence is always embodied in the meat of the individual paragraphs. C. To Embody is to have something, usually a constant thing.
10. A. Properties - statements that are true for all numbers
B. The Multiplicative Property of -1 says that any number multiplied with -1, the number becomes a negative number or it's value is the opposite of the original number. C. 21 X -1 = -21
9. A. Null set - empty set, meaning there is no solution for an equation
B. a Null set means that there is no possible solution for an equation. C. 2 + a X b = b
8. A. Identity - An equation that is true for every value of the variable
B. Identity in math means that a no matter what the variable is, any value will work. C. 1 + a X b = -b X -a + 1
7. A. Multiplicative Inverse - two numbers with a product of 1, also known as the reciprocal of a number
B. The multiplicative inverse of fraction a/b is b/a C. a/b X b/a = 1 a X 1/a = 1
6. A. Coefficient - the numerical factor of a term
B. In math class, John was having trouble figuring out where the coefficient was. C. In math, a coefficient is the number in front of a variable in an algebraic expression.
5. A. Naive (adj.)- showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment.
B. The hunter was Naive to the idea of killing deer for food. C. A baby could be considered Naive as the baby is new to the world.
4. A. Niche (Noun)- place or position (something) in a niche.
B. The man felt like he was being called to New York, although he lived his entire life in the country. C. A calling or a place where you feel you need to be.
3. A. Obliterate (Verb)- destroy utterly; wipe out.
B. To Obliterate something, there has to be nothing that can be found out about the thing that is obliterated. C. Obliterate is not only a word used for mass nuking, it can be used for many more things, such as a substitute for Terminated.
2. A. Gratify (Verb)- give (someone) pleasure or satisfaction.
B. Gratification is happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction. C. Accomplishments almost always give the accomplished happyness.
1. A. Infinite (Adj.)- limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate.
B. Infinite possibilities is a possibility in math and science. C. Our Universe is several billion light years across, and space may be never ending.
Donald Trump plans to bring jobs back to America, lower and enforce fair taxes for all American citizens, and help eliminate our national debt. America should vote for Donald Trump because he has had the most experience in dealing with money, jobs, and taxes.
Donald Trump plans on lowering taxes. According to ontheissues.org Donald Trump says that he would “cut taxes $10 trillion, and the economy would take off like a rocket ship” while Hillary Clinton says that it is “her goal not to raise taxes on families making under $200,000.” Cutting $10 trillion and trying not to tax those who are making under $200,000 are two entirely different things. Donald Trump on tax reform Hillary Clinton on tax reform. Donald Trump should be president because he plans on fair taxes for everyone based on income while Hillary Clinton is going to try not to tax those making under $200,000 as well as raise taxes in general. Arguably Hillary Clinton’s strongest point is that Trump is all about bringing jobs back to America but “Trump made his shirts in Bangladesh, his ties in China and his suits in Mexico” cited from thehill.com. This point is invalid because while Trump is always talking about bringing jobs back to America, but he can’t do it before he is President. Before Donald Trump ran for President, he was entirely a businessman, and as a businessman he used the government because they allowed him to ship his companies away to become a better businessman and make a better profit. Donald Trump should be president because he plans on fair taxes for everyone based on income while Hillary Clinton is going to try not to tax those making under $200,000. Donald Trump has an enormous business background that will help eliminate our national debt. “Donald Trump intends to appoint the strongest and smartest trade negotiators to negotiate on behalf of our workers and tell NAFTA partners that he intends to renegotiate trade deals.” Donald Trump’s list of planned objectives to get jobs available at Foxbusiness.com. Donald Trump also states that “Our original Constitution did not even have an income tax. Instead, it had tariffs - emphasizing taxation of foreign, not domestic, production.No matter what, jobs are a big problem in any society, including the United States. Donald Trump says that "Over the next 10 years, our economic team estimates that under our plan the economy will average 3.5 percent growth and create a total of 25 million new jobs. You can visit our website, just look at the math, it works," stated from politico.com. Donald Trump will raise new jobs by reopening coal mines and coals power plants. Our lack of jobs in America is proven by the huge debt that we are in. Exact debt available at usdebtclock.org America should vote for Donald Trump because he plans to bring jobs back to America and enforce fair taxes for all American citizens. Donald Trump plans to tax any foreign goods coming into our country, and lower the taxes of companies and people in America. Hillary Clinton is going to “try not to tax those making under $200,000.” Hillary Clinton pushes on Donald Trump for appraising the Russian President because of the recent hacks of the Democratic party although there is no proof of Russia hacking anything. The United States of America is in a debt of almost $20 trillion and Donald Trump will help eliminate that debt.Donald Trump’s job speech I oppose the penny-per-ounce grocery tax, as is may make other grocery prices go up, and some small businesses could collapse. Taxing distributors will not stop people from buying sugary drinks. Every issue has pros and cons, but in this issue, the bad might outweigh the good."A "grocery tax" will lead to higher prices on other goods, hurting small businesses and customers struggling to survive in one of the country's most expensive places. They also warn that city leaders can use the money however they want, despite talk of putting it toward health programs." "The tax is on distributors and is not paid by customers who buy the drinks". Not all is bad about the soda tax, such as: "The national fight over sugary soda is bubbling up in the San Francisco Bay Area, where voters in November will consider a tax on the drinks that many health experts say contribute to diabetes, obesity and tooth decay." All quotations cited directly from Newsela's "U.S. soda-tax battle bubbles up in San Francisco Bay Area". Everything slightly arguable will have good and bad, whether or not it is approved or disapproved will be decided with the numbers of people sharing a point of view. "This is San Francisco's second try at a soda tax. In 2014, a similar proposal failed to get enough votes for a "dedicated" tax, which requires a two-thirds approval. This year, backers went for a "general" tax, which requires a simple majority and doesn't stipulate how the revenue is spent." and "Opponents, however, say a "grocery tax" will lead to higher prices on other goods, hurting small businesses and customers struggling to survive in one of the country's most expensive places. They also warn that city leaders can use the money however they want, despite talk of putting it toward health programs." show that the soda tax failed last time, if it is approved groceries are going to be more expensive, and some small businesses may collapse and go bankrupts. I oppose the penny-per-ounce tax on sodas because owners of businesses might need to raise the prices of other goods in order to compensate for the tax. Another reason why is because the tax with only be enforced on distributors, not buyers, so if the distributors don't raise the price of pop, people will buy as much as before if not more. You can look through different sodas and soda sizes to show how much sugar, in grams, contained by the specific drink by googling "Sugar in soda"
AuthorMiddle School Student Archives
April 2017
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