I may only be 14 years old, but I know what I want to be as an adult. I enjoy looking at statistics and thinking about new ways to help edit or eliminate new diseases that are troubling our society because I have personally witnessed how diseases affect people. I love to go in depth with projects and try to find out every little detail I can about it, whatever it is. Currently I’m getting A’s and B’s which accounts for my average GPA of 3.66 in eighth grade. I will hopefully increase my study habits in high school because I will want to attend high end schools due to my line of work. When I am an adult, I want to be a Molecular Genetic Engineer (Microorganisms or GMMOs). Goals need to be in place before you can meet them, creating a goal will help you in life. To reach my goals, I will need to set goals for many things, such as I will want to have mostly A’s and nothing lower than a B if I want to go to a high end college that teaches Genetics in general. According to google “A genetic engineer starts by earning a bachelor's degree, typically in a branch of the physical sciences, such as biology or chemistry. Some schools offer undergraduate programs in genetic engineering or in closely-related fields such as biological engineering.” but I may need a Masters, Ph.D, or Doctoral degree according to study.com. I will admit that I am not trying my very hardest and tend to take shortcuts from time to time, but I am slowly changing that over time and hopefully completely stop taking shortcuts and start trying harder within my Freshman year of High school. I need to set specific goals for attending school and find out what it takes, and I need to set goals for study habits to overcome my weakest points. The minimal degree for this field is a bachelor’s degree. In able to become a great Molecular Genetic Engineer I need to have a good all round education, the ability to work with others, and a sharp intellect with imagination for the betterment of research, technology, and mankind. According to sciencegroup.org.uk, the following credentials and educational are needed, including more. 1) A good all round education. 2) An ability to get on with others in a team. 4) An ability to love your subject of study/research and show individual initiative. 5) A lively and creative imagination; a flair for problem-solving. Newsela also has an article in Genetics, claiming that “To thrive as a scientist, he says, you need many traits. You must be detail-oriented, open-minded, patient, have an investigative nature.”, “he” being Joe Rainger. In order to be prepared for my long journey as a Genetic Engineer I must become very studious and strict when it comes to studying, have a very large imagination, and have to have the ability to not only work well with others, but get along with them as well. Genetic Engineering is used far and wide for many different things. According to genome.gov “Most genetic engineers are employed by private corporations, particularly pharmaceutical companies. They also may teach in universities and/or conduct research. The federal government also employs many genetic engineers.” genome.gov also states that “Jobs for genetic engineers are expected to be numerous. Advances in biotechnology and medicine are driving a greater demand for individuals in this specialty.” meaning that the job outlook is above average. Most jobs have a retirement plan, including this one. There is an opportunity to move up considering that the salary range is $44,320 - $139,440 annually according to genome.gov. Using career day and the research in this project, I conclude that growing up will not be easy, no matter what you have planned. The area you plan to live will have it’s consequences, such as if you live in an expensive area, you will most likely have a higher paying job. Demand will always be a big deal, because job demand will always be changing. Simple everyday things cost the most money, such as a house, a car, food, clothes, taxes, and insurance. Ohio Colleges offering Genetic Engineering
1. Kent State University 2. The Ohio State University 3. 4.
My current interest lay in Genetics and nuclear power. I have all A’s and B’s with about a 3.66 GPA average. I plan to be a Molecular Genetic Engineer or a Nuclear Engineer. Before our career day I thought that life was a lot easier, but now I know that college has very big debts and that there are more jobs out there that aren’t big news but are important and pay a handsome salary. I didn’t know how much a simple house would cost or that many things that are just little dots in the background actually cost a lot of money. The first thing that I have to look up to my parents for is stress. No matter who you are or what you do, stress is a big problem, such as my reality store job. My reality store job was an Air Traffic Controller, and it is said to be extremely stressful. I learned that life is a lot harder than I thought it was. I also learned that you need to plan for everything as best you can because if you don’t, you’ll be in debt or unbalanced before you know it. I learned from the afternoon speakers that there is a lot of paths to reach a career, and that sometimes learning something other than exactly what your job is can help get you a job, such as alongside forensics, take chemistry because it is involved with forensics but is not directly forensics. I used career day to get advice on which classes to take in college, how to boost your job chances, and just how easy life actually is. ![]() Unexpected accidents may occur, and payments may always be a problem ![]() Cell Phones and Cell Phone coverage is expensive ![]() Child care is expensive and will raise significantly with each child. ![]() Saving money is never a bad idea ![]() Anything can happen and it’s best to be prepared. |
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